by IESEV@V | Apr 10, 2020
White Paper – An Effective Digital and Technology Strategy If you want to learn about how to improve the use of digital and technology in local government, download our latest white paper. It goes without saying that this topic is particularly relevant at this... by IESEV@V | Apr 10, 2020
White Paper – From Surviving to Thriving If you want your council, residents and local area to thrive, iESE can bring certainty to your transformation using our research-led transformation framework. In order to meet the next spending review challenges, it’s... by IESEV@V | Apr 10, 2020
White Paper – The True Cost of Cyber Security Is there a better way to identify the true cost of cyber security and mitigate risks more effectively?Cyber security costs are rising each year, along with breach volume. Detect-and-react strategies are becoming more...