Transform Feb21 front cover feature image

Transform magazine 

Transform Magazine

Transform Magazine is for all Public Servants Seeking to Transform Local Public Service

We created Transform as a source of information to share helpful advice and showcase public service transformations in alignment with our goal of sharing best practice across the public sector. The magazine covers a wide variety of topics about local public service improvement across the UK.

Mobile Stories – May 2024

Only interested in one topic in particular? We’ve broke down the magazine into mobile stories allowing you to easily access the content you want to read at the touch of a button. Have a read of our mobile stories by clicking on the links below.

CareCubed Version 18 Launched
CareCubed is updated twice annually to ensure the figures and assumptions behind the model are as accurate as possible. The most recent release, containing some important data updates and functional changes, went live on 2nd April… click here to read more.
Under Pressure: Rising Costs vs Tight Budgets
It’s no secret that the care market for older and working-age adults is under pressure. Providers face rising costs, including increasing wage bills, while local authorities are struggling to meet their statutory duties with limited and shrinking funds…click here to read more.
iESE Recognises Health & Social Care Trailblazers 
This March saw the 15th anniversary of the iESE Public Sector Transformation Awards with Bronze, Silver and Gold winners across eight categories celebrated alongside individual winners for UK Fire & Rescue Service of the Year, UK Police Service of the Year and International Public Body of the Year and the overall iESE Council of the Year 2024…click here to read more.
No Silver Bullets but CareCubed Children’s Can Help
No silver bullets exist for the fragile children’s care market but having CareCubed in place can help local authorities and providers start addressing the issues…click here to read more.
Case Study: Royal Borough of Greenwich
The Royal Borough of Greenwich Council has been undertaking a major piece of work around transitions from children’s social care into adult care services. As part of this project, iESE Associate Diana Sherwood worked with the council between December 2022 and April 2024 to support SEND commissioners and social care staff in working together to get the right levels of care in place for children transitioning into adult care…click here to read more.
Case Study: Lancashire County Council 
In August 2022, Lancashire County Council introduced a new role of Market / Placement Analyst into their Commissioning Service to help strengthen cost monitoring processes (through the use of CareCubed), following issues highlighted in the children’s home market by the Competition and Markets Authority in an earlier independent report…click here to read more.

Welcome Letter – May 2024

It is a real privilege to share our latest edition of Transform Magazine following structural changes to the senior management of iESE Innovation Ltd, with myself taking up the role of Commercial Director and Sherif Attia becoming Director of Delivery & Design.

This has been another hugely successful year for iESE in which we have supported more councils, Integrated Care Boards, and providers than ever before with the significant, ongoing pressures and challenges they face.

CareCubed has gone from strength-to-strength and is now well established as the national care costing tool of choice, with around 65 per cent of councils in England now subscribing. I am also very pleased to welcome our first Welsh authorities to our user base to support with a wide array of local, regional, and national challenges and objectives. Having a single, consistent, common currency for health & social care commissioners and care providers is crucial to allow strategic partnerships to be built and reduce the negotiation time on care packages so that more time can be spent delivering positive outcomes for residents.

There have been lots of highlights over the past 12 months, such as the move into new territories, the launch of our new CareCubed website, great success reported from our first health users of the tool, significant adoption of the children’s and young persons and older persons CareCubed modules, and two data updates to provide the very latest data to our customers. CareCubed continues to innovate and bring new functionality based on feedback from both care providers and commissioners and this has led to the tool being used in many new ways such as large-scale procurement processes, place-based regional initiatives to provide consistency across health and social care organisations, and all-age commissioning.

We are a not-for-profit for the good of the sector. Our goal remains to deliver high impact, innovative digital tools, and maximum value to the sector, and we will be releasing exciting new products and services over the coming months. We have significantly strengthened our team to underpin this next phase of growth, with a particular focus on bringing sector experience and expertise to support new and existing customers with embedding the tool and to accelerate the benefits it brings.

CareCubed is playing a crucial role in creating a fair and sustainable market and this edition will highlight innovative case study examples from across the sector.

We hope you enjoy this edition of Transform Magazine. Please do get in touch if we can support in any way.

Craig White, Commercial Director at iESE

Issue 37 (November 2023) Statistics



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Transform Magazine Readership

Transform magazine is published on a quarterly basis within the following channels:

  • It is directly posted to all Chief Executives and Council Leaders across the UK
  • iESE online: published on our issuu site with a current readership of around 1200
  • The MJ: a bound insert within the MJ which is circulated to 40,000 senior officer

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