IESE Transformation Awards 

Public Sector Transformation Awards

Rewarding Public Sector Organisations for their efforts in improving and transforming local public services.

The annual iESE Public Sector Transformation Awards are an opportunity to celebrate and share the most innovative practice in transforming local public services.  For all of us in local government, embracing financial pressures in order to excel is a way of life.  Developing new ways of working and transforming service delivery isn’t ‘just another day in the office’, it’s our passion.

No public money is spent on the event because the IESE Public Sector Transformation Awards ceremony is sponsored by individual businesses. Therefore, each winner is provided with free places in recognition of their efforts in improving their local areas.

When is the next awards ceremony? March 2026 

When are nominations open? Nominations are CLOSED for the iESE Awards 2025! 

Who takes part?  Any public sector organisation in the UK and International.

Meet the Gold Sponsor

ZapCarbon Logo

iESE Awards FAQs

Who can apply for the iESE Awards?

The iESE Awards are open to any public sector organisation across the UK and internationally.

What is the nomination process for the iESE Awards?

To apply for the iESE Awards, you will need to download and complete our nomination form which will ask you to cover the following sections in a maximum of 5000 words:

  • An overview of your nomination
  • How has your initiative showed innovation?
  • How has your initiative has had an impact?
  • How has your initiative improved the skills and capabilities?
  • What was the quality of delivery of the initiative?
  • How has the initiative made a contribution to the sector?

Each submission is scored and judges against other submissions within each category. The scoring key as follows:

  • 0: No reference to the criteria at all
  • 1 – 3: Mention of criteria somewhere in the nomination
  • 4 – 6: Described at some length, with the relevant information
  • 7 – 10: Evidence has been given that it has been done

Once completed, you need to send your nomination form to also encourage you to submit any additional documents or videos that will help support your nomination.

Can I be nominated for more than one category?

Yes. If you are unsure which category you believe your nomination fits, then of course you can submit it for several categories. Alternatively, if our judging panel believe that your nomination is better suited elsewhere they will move it to where they think it fits best.

I can’t see a category that fits my nomination very well – what happens there?

We have seen the judging panel create brand new categories if they identify an emerging trend amongst the nominations – so it’s not unusual for you to be a finalist for completely brand spanking new category!

When will I hear back from the judging?

We aim to let all successful finalists know 4 weeks before the awards ceremony.

What happens if I’m not successful?

For nominations that don’t quite make the cut to be an award’s finalist, but are still deemed excellent from our judging panel, we will present you with a Certificate of Excellence to mark your outstanding efforts in improving and transforming local public services.

If you have been awarded with an iESE Certificate of Excellence, these will be posted out to you after our awards event. We will be in touch to ask if you would be willing to participate in an online showcase of your work.

Transformation Award Categories

Every year we receive hundreds of nominations for the Public Sector Transformation Awards from local authorities across the UK. Awards are available for the following categories in Gold, Silver or Bronze.

Last year we received 217 nominations from 70 public sector organisations across the UK and overseas. We hope to see similar numbers for our next award event.

Here are our award categories for 2025:

  • Best Transformation Team
  • Community & Customer Focus
  • Best Use of Digital, Technology and Data Insight
  • Efficiency and Effectiveness
  • Green Public Service
  • Innovation
  • Transformation in Health & Social Care
  • Working Together
  • UK Fire & Rescue Service of the Year
  • UK Police Service of the Year
  • UK Council of the Year
  • International Public Body of the Year
  • Chairman’s Award

See last year’s award winners

Transformation Award Testimonials

“I think in local government we sometimes find it difficult to celebrate success and we have a number of colleagues who have worked really hard in difficult circumstances to achieve that success. So, having the independent recognition by peers in the sector is really important and a boost for them.”

Robert Cottrill – Chief Executive at Eastbourne and Lewes Councils

“It meant a great deal to us to attend the awards as we are very proud of creating our own in-house transformation capability and getting that recognition not just amongst fellow police forces but across the wider public sector is hugely important to us. This the first step to much greater recognition for the work we are doing for the people of London.”

Peter Fox – Transformation Director at Metropolitan Police

“The awards were a great opportunity for us to showcase our work and be recognised outside of Scotland, and in the whole of the UK.”

Clare Maitland, Councillor at East Ayrshire Council

Nominations are OPEN for the iESE Awards 2024, with the deadline to apply being Friday 12th January 2024.

What is your latest public sector challenge?