Guidance on the CareCubed Charter
Before you start
To sign the CareCubed Charter you will need someone senior in your organisation (relevant Head of Service (signing up on behalf of a team), Assistant Director or Director) to approve your application.Â
To avoid delays, we suggest you:Â
- identify this person nowÂ
- have the conversation with them about signing the Charter and what it means for your organisation
What are the commitments to the Charter?Â
To sign up to the Charter, we ask your organisation to follow the expected behaviours outlined in the Charter ambition. Please share the Charter with all relevant colleagues. Â
It is hoped that by actively applying the principles within the charter, commissioners and providers are more likely to build trust and mutual respect, achieve a better balance of risk and streamline the negotiation process. The overarching aim is to ensure positive outcomes are achieved for people who rely on care and support services, through the effective use of resources and with providers and commissioners working as partners.
What’s in it for you?
The CareCubed Charter has been created by a mix of commissioning and authorities and care providers to set the principles and guidelines for an open, transparent, fair and collaborative commissioning process. Signing up to this Charter demonstrates your organisation’s desire to work with providers to fix some of the current issues that exist in commissioning processes and means you will become part of an innovative group of organisations working together for the good of the sector.Â
All organisations that sign up to the CareCubed Charter are published online so that others are aware of likeminded organisations and to identify opportunities to collaborate.
We will also share an electronic CareCubed Charter logo that can be used in documents, email footers etc.Â
Guidance on completing the sign-up formÂ
What has motivated you to sign up to the CareCubed Charter?Â
This information will simply be used by our team to check that the intentions for signing up are aligned with the aims of the Charter itself.Â
What do you hope to achieve by signing up?
This information will simply be used by our team to check that the intentions for signing up are aligned with the aims of the Charter itself.Â
Use of your logo
With your permission, we want to upload your logo onto our website to show who has signed up to the charter. This highlights that you are working collaboratively and transparently, which we have found to be in the best interests of providers and commissioners alike. This will only be used on CareCubed Charter page of our website.
Stay in touch
We will be keeping you up to date with the latest developments and progress of our Charter.Â

Sign up to the CareCubed Charter
To sign up to the CareCubed Charter, please click on the button below.
Once you have signed up you will receive an email to confirm your submission.
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