Understand Direction of Transformation

Case Study – East Lothian Council One council that has benefitted from the Innovation Mandate process, which helps to understand the direction of transformation is East Lothian. This was the first piece of work it had engaged iESE for, although Angela Leitch,...

Framework For Council Transformation

 White Paper – From Surviving to Thriving If you want your council, residents and local area to thrive, iESE can bring certainty to your transformation using our research-led transformation framework. In order to meet the next spending review challenges, it’s...

Research-Led Transformation Framework

Transforming the iESE Way If you want your council, residents and local area to thrive, iESE can bring certainty to your transformation using our research-led transformation framework. At a time where there is new technology and new ways of working, it is undoubtably...

Efficiency From Customer Focus

iESE Customer Focus Wheel In order to drive whole organisation efficiency and achieve significant savings, you should assess your customer focus and understand your customer demand.  The iESE Customer Focus Wheel provides a simple, robust and proven methodology that...

Customer Self-Serve

Case Study – Taunton Deane and West Somerset Councils Due to high level of customer contact, these two councils undergo a review which aimed to understand where, how and why customers were contacting the organisation. As expected when gathering customer data,...