by Annabelle Spencer | Sep 7, 2020 | IESE Local Government and Public Sector Consultants
Terminating transmission: emerging best practice in covid adaptation Published on 07/09/20 | Written by Dr Andrew Larner, Chief Executive at iESE The rapidly rising numbers of Covid cases herald a more difficult time ahead. But there is hope in the waves of Covid... by Annabelle Spencer | Jul 2, 2020 | Cyber security, Transformation
iESE Joins Project Little Boat in Coronavirus Fight Not-for-profit public sector consultancy iESE has joined forces with Project Little Boat, an innovative scheme implementing a suite of solutions to help fight Coronavirus. Dr Andrew Larner, Chief Executive at iESE,... by Annabelle Spencer | Jul 2, 2020 | Cyber security, Transformation
Covid-19: Recovery or Adaptation? At a recent meeting of project Mercury, an international network of scientists and medics, it was clear that we need to adapt to COVID-19 and its successors not recover. Even the COVID-free are considering how to adapt for the... by Annabelle Spencer | May 19, 2020 | Cyber security, Transformation
Digital Collaboration Aids Local Government Covid-19 Response With the Covid-19 pandemic requiring rapid responses, many local authorities have turned to digital tools to help manage the crisis and meet the demand for information and answers from residents, businesses...